The performances will feature musicians, singers, dancers, and artists in a format that allows the audience to sample a wide range of styles of music and art and dance. Each performer has around ten minutes (more or less) in the show to give the audience a glimpse of their art. The Chattanooga area has such wonderful variety and depth of music, art, and dance, and this is an opportunity to see some of it!
The artists include Dan Landrum, Kofi Mawuko, Contrapasso, Shikoh & Phillps, John Rawlston & Kathy Veazy (from Lumbar Five), Chattanooga Ballet, Cody Keown & Melissa Maddux, Neshawn Calloway, the Choo Choo Kids, the Magic of Scott Fillers, African dancers, Jeff Germ, Skwalking Heads, Nisha Boyington, Christie Burns, Terrence Wright, Joe Helseth, and an excerpt from the Chattanooga Theatre Centre's upcoming production of "High School Musical." This edition of MuzArDanz (music+art+dance) covers jazz, blues, rock, tap, ballet, modern dance, Indian dance, Broadway, improv, sculpture, folk music, and more.
MuzArDanz link
MuzArDanZ Variety Showcase is also a benefit to support a local artist, Lindsay Fussell, in her journey to perform in New York City this fall. As Lindsay says,
I'll be reprising my 'all singing, all dancing, no talking' role as 'Mama Knob' in the bluegrass musical, 'THAT OTHER WOMAN'S CHILD' (we did it in Chattanooga four years ago) as part of the New York Musical Festival in October. Can you say, 'lifelong dream fulfillment?' This opportunity is basically what I've worked toward since I was a child. We will rehearse for 4 weeks in NY and then perform in a new theatre that was created by Mikhail Baryshnikov, among others.
New York Musical Festival
There will be suggested minimum donation of $25 at the door to help support Lindsay in her quest.
Contrapasso is home of the Contrapasso Modern Dance Company, and is located at 1800 Rossville Avenue (just off the revitalizing Main Street, next door to Loose Cannons Art Gallery and the Chattanooga Pulse, behind the Fire House).
The Variety Showcase will be videotaped in high-definition by CommuniTV. CommuniTV will distribute segments of the show on the Internet and television.
MuzArDanz is part of the Community Communication Project, which strives to find effective and efficient ways for our communities to share information, using multiple modes of communication.
Community Communication Project
For more information and updates, check out or email Donations can be made online at the web site, at the door, or by mail (c/o MuzArDanz, 113 Fair Street, Chattanooga, TN 37415).